📕 Sometimes I write down notes for an entire course, class or book. These are broken down into several posts.
Chrome/Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts (for developers)
Use The Keyboard (one of the resources I used)
CSS and Spacing
From the article: Spacing in CSS
My /uses Page
A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.
Better (Automated) GitHub Workflows
GitHub Tips & Tricks
More Bash Bashing
Advanced Bash Automation for Web Developers
Refactoring UI - My Notes on Typography
From the course: Refactoring UI by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger
My zsh Aliases
I use ohmyzsh for my zsh configuration.
Most Useful Slack Shortcuts
More Slack Shortcuts Here
Useful Git Commands
How To Make Life Easier When Using Git
VScode Keyboard Shortcuts
Link to the VSCode installation page.
More Bash Goodness
Automate Daily Development Tasks with Bash from
Introduction to Bash, VIM & Regex
Frontendmasters course on command line by James Halliday.
Notes from Command Line Course by Remy Sharp
Learn command line pipes, alias, zsh, string processing and more.
My notes from the MongoDB intro on FEM
My notes on Introduction to MongoDb available on FrontEndMasters.
Yarn2 - things to know
What's new in Yarn - a short course on
React Academy by Kitze
My notes from the React Academy (Advanced ReactJS course) by Kitze
Analyze Git Logs with the Command Line
Stuff I learned from the Egghead course Analyze Git Logs with the Command Line
Fix Common Git Mistakes
Stuff I learned from the Egghead course Fix Common Git Mistakes