📕 Sometimes I write down notes for an entire course, class or book. These are broken down into several posts.
Notes tagged: “bash”
Fix Common Git Mistakes
Stuff I learned from the Egghead course Fix Common Git Mistakes
Analyze Git Logs with the Command Line
Stuff I learned from the Egghead course Analyze Git Logs with the Command Line
Yarn2 - things to know
What's new in Yarn - a short course on egghead.io
Notes from Command Line Course by Remy Sharp
Learn command line pipes, alias, zsh, string processing and more.
Introduction to Bash, VIM & Regex
Frontendmasters course on command line by James Halliday.
More Bash Goodness
Automate Daily Development Tasks with Bash from Egghead.io
My zsh Aliases
I use ohmyzsh for my zsh configuration.
More Bash Bashing
Advanced Bash Automation for Web Developers
Better (Automated) GitHub Workflows
GitHub Tips & Tricks
My /uses Page
A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.
Missing Semester 01 - The Shell
(Bourne Again SHell) is a common shell that comes preinstalled on many OS.
Missing Semester 02 - Shell Tools and Scripting
More on Shell, scripting, variables, functions, arguments and, most importantly, the tools!
Missing Semester 04 - Data Wrangling
Data wrangling is taking data in one format and changing it into a different format 💡.
Missing Semester 05 - Command-Line Environment
Job control, terminal multiplexers, dotfiles, and remote machines 🤓.
Missing Semester 06 - Version Control (Git)
Version control systems (VCSs) are tools used to track changes to source code (or other collections of files and folders) 🤓.
Missing Semester 07 - Debugging and Profiling
On logging, ANSI escape codes, debuggers, profilers, and resource monitoring.
Missing Semester 08 - Metaprogramming
Metaprogramming is processes that surround the work that you do when working with software: how your system is built, how it's tested and how you add dependencies to it.
Missing Semester 09 - Security and Cryptography
On entropy, hash functions, key derivation functions, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography 💪.
Missing Semester 10 - Potpourri
Miscellaneous programming topics and tools: keyboard remapping, daemons, virtual machines and more 💪
Missing Semester 11 - QA
Q and A session (brielfy) covering a wide range of topics 🤔
My favorite command line one-liners (from Linux Comand Library) 🤓
Yeah..., so at some point, I did spend half a day going over this list, but hey at least I wrote down my favorites. Sharing here.