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You Don't Know JS: Book 2 (Scope and Closure) - 03 The Scope Chain

The scope chain, shadowing, and the different function forms.

Written by Eva Dee on (about a 4 minute read).

The Scope Chain permalink

  • the connections between scopes that are nested within other scopes
  • It determines the path along which variables can be accessed.
  • The chain is directed, meaning the lookup moves upward/outward only.
  • When a function (declaration or expression) is defined, a new scope is created.

Lookups permalink

  • The information of what scope a variable originates from is usually determined during the initial compilation processing.
  • This information is immutable and is likely to be stored with (or at least accessible from) each variable's entry in the AST.
  • Avoiding the need for a runtime lookup is a key optimization benefit of lexical scope.

Shadowing permalink

  • when you have two or more variables, each in different scopes, with the same lexical names
  • this prevents access to the outer variable from that point inward.
var studentName = "Suzy";

// the parameter is shadowing the (shadowed) global variable.
function printStudent(studentName) {
studentName = studentName.toUpperCase();



// Suzy
  • Not all combinations of declaration shadowing are allowed. let can shadow var, but var cannot shadow let.

Global Unshadowing Trick permalink

  • is accessing the shadowed variable through the global (window) object - when declared with var or function
var studentName = "Suzy";

function printStudent(studentName) {

// "Frank"
// "Suzy"

Function Name Scope permalink

  • function declaration hoists, function expressions (a function definition used as value instead of a standalone declaration), does not

But what is the difference in the name?

// a named function expression
var askQuestion = function ofTheTeacher(){
// ..

// ofTheTeacher is declared as an identifier inside the function itself
var askQuestion = function ofTheTeacher() {

// function ofTheTeacher()...

// ReferenceError: ofTheTeacher is not defined

// defined as read-only
var askQuestion = function ofTheTeacher() {
"use strict";
ofTheTeacher = 42; // TypeError



Arrow Functions permalink

  • Arrow functions are lexically anonymous, meaning they have no directly related identifier that references the function.
// an inferred name
var askQuestion = () => {
// ..
};; // askQuestion