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React Academy by Kitze

My notes from the React Academy (Advanced ReactJS course) by Kitze

Written by Eva Dee on (about a 3 minute read).

I'm not to 🔥 on conferences and workshops (they tend to be overhyped), but today I had the pleasure of attending React Academy - a hands-on advanced ReactJS workshop by Kitze (sounds like a perfume, but he's not! 😃).

The whole reason I was able to attend was the Outreachy/Mozilla scholarship I received last year. Quick shoutout: if you are new to tech, are from an underrepresented group and want to work with some of the most kickass companies that do open source, you should definitely check it out 💪! They organise paid internship two times a year!

Anyhoo, below are the notes from today's workshop:

1.Custom hooks, baby

Just like with reusable components, you should start building a library of reusable custom hooks, like useBoolean, useInput etc. There's also a nifty collection of custom hooks.

2.Ideally, the custom hook should return an object

Abstract the custom hooks (like a util function) and make it return an object - they are easy to destructure and good for avoiding repetition.

3.useEffect is super 💪

useEffect is used whenever you have a side-effect (like with an event listener). Make sure you get your dependencies right and to remove the side-effect (the event listener, the setInterval etc) in the return!

useEffect is more than just a lifecycle hook, for example, the hook will update whenever componentDidMount and whenever any of the other dependencies you care about changes!

const useDocumentTitle = (title) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    window.document.title = title;
  }, [title]);

4.Checkout mobx? 🤔

Kitze swears by mobx, in particular mobx-state-tree. Similar to Redux, but with observables - therefore more performant and with less fiddling around mapstatetoprops etc.

5.Use ReactContext, sometimes

For sharing global states (and to avoid passing props to child, to child, to child, to grand-child...). Works great with hooks (and GraphQL). For managing lots of state, Redux is more performant (and apparantely mobx even better - see above).

6.React Compound Component

Smooshing several components together using Context AP to allow components to somehow manage state among themselves (like Tabs and Tab or Select and Option).

7.React Controlled Components

Is controlling your components from their parent, but having access to their inner states (kind of like what you are doing with input and their value).

8.Use React.lazy and Suspense for loading the heavy stuff later

This will make a separate request only once the component is rendered (make sure to provide a fallback a.k.a. skeleton!).

9.useRef to access the previous value

10.And, most importantly

Learn all the keyboard shortcuts, master touchtyping (and keeping an eye-contact while coding), learn everything React (+optional rant on a slightly more obscure tooling - see above), so that you can do live demos like Kitze 😎.