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Performance Optimization Tips and Tricks

From a Twitter thread by Ivan Akulov

Written by Eva Dee on (about a 3 minute read).

Note: I'm not a very familiar with webpack, so I skipped most of the tips concering webpack configuration.

React permalink

Debugging permalink

  • In Performance, once you've recorded a profile, go to Timings too see which components were rendered and when (good for debugging) - unfortunately this will be removed from React link.

  • Component renders: Go to React DevTools settings and check "Highlight updates...". Now, whenever you do something, every component that re-renders will flash for a bit.

  • Another way to figure out why a component re-renders is to use why-did-you-render .

Preact permalink

  • Replace it with preact + preact-compat (react-dom is the single largest dependency. Just by removing it, you can reduce your load time quite significantly).

Images permalink

  • Compress them using Cloudflare ($20/month), use Polish option.

  • Optimize image sizes with <img srcset> (don't serve gigantic images for tiny screens).

Fonts permalink

  • Subset fonts for loading the fonts faster with subfont or glyphhanger.

  • If you’re preloading fonts, make sure you use the crossorigin="anonymous" attribute (without that attribute, preloaded fonts will be ignored).

  • A great way to speed up custom fonts is to use font-display(more details).

  • For older websites add &display=swap (or another value) parameter to get font-display benefits.

Other DevTools Magic permalink

Debugging from DevTools permalink

  • If your app is lagging, that might be due to "repainting too much on the screen": Dev tools → More tools → Rendering → Paint Flashing

Code splitting permalink

  • To see how much of your CSS and JS has been used to render a page: DevTools → Ctrl/⌘+P → Coverage → "Start instrumenting...".

  • bundle buddy shows duplicated modules

  • also bundle wizard

Libraries permalink

  • Moments.js: day.js is similar but smaller.

  • lodash: babel-plugin-lodash transforms your Lodash imports to make sure you’re only bundling methods that you actually use (= 10-20 functions instead of 300).

  • Try aliasing lodash-es to lodash (to avoid lodash being bundled multiple times).

  • Check how much they are affecting your loading speed: Network → Sort by domain → Right-click each third-party → Select "Block request domain". Then run lighthouse audit to compare.

Defer 3rd parties permalink

  • More details here, or just wrap your third party loading code with setTimeout.

Critical CSS permalink

Speed tests permalink

Misc Optimizations permalink

  • Type -has-response-header: Content-Encoding into the filter in the Network panel to see if resources are missing gzip/Brotli compression.

  • Speedier navigation: getquick (preloads links when the visitor hovers them. this gives a 100-300 ms head start), instantclick (goes further and preloads all links within the viewport).

  • To check whether all requests use a single HTTP/2 connection, or something’s misconfigured, enable the "Connection ID" column in DevTools → Network.

  • Use to reduce the amount of polyfills.

  • If you have any scroll or touch* listeners, make sure to pass passive: true to addEventListener, more here.