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The Opinionated Guide to React 07 - Performance and Deployment

Performance optimizations, deployment with Netlify and Vercel

Written by Eva Dee on (about a 3 minute read).

Performance permalink

Keys permalink

  • Add keys to (list) elements
  • Keys help React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed. Keys should be given to the elements inside the array to give the elements a stable identity
  • The best way to pick a key is to use a string that uniquely identifies a list item among its siblings (like an id)
  • Keys used within arrays should be unique among their siblings. However, they don't need to be globally unique.
  • When children have keys, React uses the key to match children in the original tree with children in the subsequent tree
  • Don't use indexes for keys if the order of items may change. This can negatively impact performance and may cause issues with the component state.

When can you use index (instead of id's):

  • the list and items are static–they are not computed and do not change;
  • the items in the list have no ids;
  • the list is never reordered or filtered.

React.memo vs lodash memoize permalink

🤔 What is memoization? In computing, memoization is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.

  • It prevents an element from re-rendering if its props have not changed
  • React.memo only checks for prop changes. If your function component wrapped in React.memo has a useState or useContext Hook in its implementation, it will still re-render when state or context change.
  • By default, React.memo() does a shallow comparison of props and objects of props.
  • You can use the second argument to indicate a custom equality check function

When to use it?

👍 When you expect the functional component to render often and usually with the same props

Virtualizing longs lists permalink

  • only render the part of the list that is visible at the time, and change what is rendered as you scroll and another part becomes visible
  • recommended libraries: react-window, react-virtualized

Misc permalink

  • use small components
  • use CSS for showing/hiding components (instead of mounting/unmounting with react)

Deployment permalink

Create React App and Gatsby permalink


  • drag and drop (after running yarn build) or import from GitHub (the build scripts will be pre-filled)


  • install the CLI: yarn global add vercel
  • vercel login
  • deploy by typing: vercel
  • Same as with Netlify, you can import a GitHub project (through the dashboard)

Next permalink


  • by default, Next is a server-side rendered app and Netlify only supports static sites. In other words, Netlify needs an HTML file to be able to host your website.
  • run next export to build the app
  • on Netlify, add the following build config: Build Command: next build && next export, Publish directory: out
  • or you can add a script to package.json: "build:static": "next build && next export"


  • Next is Vercel's project, so to deploy you just type: vercel.