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The Opinionated Guide to React 04 - ReactJS packages Part 1

On React Router, Overmind, Framer motion, Styled components, Formik

Written by Eva Dee on (about a 3 minute read).

React Router (6) permalink

  • history: The history library lets you efficiently manage session history anywhere JavaScript runs (it's now a peer dependency)

  • <Route path="/" element={<Home />}/> == <Home path="/" />

  • <Link> To create links between pages in the same app.

  • The <Switch/> component has been replaced by <Routes/> in version 6.

  • React router version 6 replaces the useHistory() hook with the useNavigate() hook.

  • Params are placeholders in the URL that begin with a colon, like the :id param defined in the route in this example.

  • Nested routing helps us to render the sub-routes like users/1, users/2, etc.

  • Use Outlet to tell the parent that it has to render any of the matching children that it finds.

  • NavLink: a special type of Link component that knows when it's active and accepts an activeStyle or an activeClassName that will be activated when you are in the route the link points to.

  • Migrating from v5 to v6

Overmind permalink

  • it is a mutable state management option
import { createOvermind } from "overmind";
import { createHook, Provider } from "overmind-react";

Framer motion permalink

  • YouTube tutorial

  • To animate an element, you make it a motion element (motion.h1, motion.p...), then give it an animate prop with value as an object.

  • Some other properties: initial, transition, whileHover,exit.

  • Also, variants! (for abstracting properties)

Styled components permalink

  • Solve the issue of string interpolation, theming, SSR, and even global styles that are attached to the theme.

  • For keeping your presentational components separate from the logic.

  • Every styled component will know about the styling from the ThemeProvider!

import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";
import { theme } from "./utils/styles"; // where we define our styles
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
  • For adding global styles:
export const Style = createGlobalStyle`
  body {
    text-align: center;
    margin: 0;
    background-color: ${(props) =>};
    color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.white};
    font-family: ${(props) => props.theme.font}
} `;
  • You wrap your element inside a styled function (don't forget to add the backticks!)
const Heading = styled.h1`
  display: block;
  • You can do JS logic:
background: ${({ theme, react }) => (react ?
theme.colors.white : "black")};

Formik permalink

  • import { useFormik } from "formik";

  • We pass our form's initialValues and a submission function (onSubmit) to the useFormik() hook.

  • We also get a bunch of helper methods:

    • handleSubmit: A submission handler
    • handleChange: A change handler to pass to each <input>, <select>, or <textarea>
    • values: Our form's current values
  • Formik keeps track of not only your form's values but also its error messages and validation.

getFieldProps() permalink

  • Given some field-level info, it returns the exact group of onChange, onBlur, value, checked for a given field. You can then spread that on an input, select, or textarea.

  • from:

  • to:
<input {...getFieldProps("email")} type="email" id="email" />
  • Yup validation library (from the Joi family)