Useful Git Commands
How To Make Life Easier When Using Git
I wrote about useful git
commands previously here and here.
Besides the Smashing Magazine link from above, I've also picked up a couple of tricks from Harry Roberts' and Git Explorer.
git branch --sort=-committerdate
Sort branches by date.
git checkout -
Checkout previous branch (-
is same as @{-1}
git branch -vv
List branches along with commit ID, commit message, and remote.
git status -sb
Git status that is easier to read (I have a gs
alias for that).
git reflog
To see the history of all of your git
git log -- missing_file.txt
Find files (even ones that were deleted).
git shortlog -sn --all --no-merges
To see who has committed how much 💪.
git shortlog -sn --since='10 weeks' --until='2 weeks'
In a specific range.
git for-each-ref --count=10 --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format="%(refname:short)"
See 10 most recent branches recently worked on.
git commit --amend --no-edit
Modify the last commit, but leave the commit message. (I will marry this one!)
git diff --staged
Show commited/staged changes.
git diff [commit1] [commit2] | less
Compare two commits and output the result in the terminal.
git stash show -p [stash id]
View contents of a stash. Very useful for a notorious stasher like me!